
What Does a Small Business Proofreader Do?

I've been reading IttyBiz on-and-off for about a year and a half. Naomi Dunford's writing, in and of itself, is a writing lesson. I was immediately intrigued by the content, and Naomi is my kind of gal—straightforward, creative, intelligent. Naturally, her posts are useful and interesting. Her storytelling ability is out-of-this-world humorous and heartfelt.

Since a big head on IttyBitty Naomi would be unsightly, I'll put the praise section of this post on pause and jump back on my train of thought.

IttyBiz had me at hello, but I never subscribed to the blog. I didn't make the posts a priority or closely follow what's been going on in Naomi's world.

However, Naomi's recent guest post on ProBlogger reminded me of the awesomeness that is IttyBiz. Why hadn't such a helpful blog made it to my Google Reader?

I dropped the IttyBall. But like a diamond, the Web is forever, so I added IttyBiz to my routine reading.

I knew this action would pay off, and last week Naomi resurrected a past challenge based on the question, "How many of YOUR readers don't really understand your business?"

To help her readers out (Naomi's thoughtful like that), she listed five questions that prompt IttyBiz proprietors to think about what makes them the cat's meow. She welcomes the non-scaredy cats to post the answers on their blogs. One final "hats off" to Naomi for being the lion's roar.

Here are my answers for Revision Fairy® Small Business Proofreading Services.

What’s your game? What do you do?

I'm a proofreader, copy editor, and wordsmith. I run the online proofreading service Revision Fairy.

A Revision Fairy-corrected document is an enhanced, error-free version of your original writing.

That's the final product that everyone wants, right?

Why do you do it? Do you love it, or do you just have one of those creepy knacks?

I love working with small business owners, copywriters, and marketing professionals to craft ideas into flawless, clear, and effective writing. My clients appreciate my eye for detail and intuitive sensibility that extracts their thoughts, spices them up, and makes them grammatically sound.

If you're scared of fairies, I'm definitely creepy.

Who are your customers? What kind of people would need or want what you offer?

Small businesses do just as much writing, if not more, than large companies—including, but not limited to: white papers, newsletters, brochures, instruction manuals, Web site content, blog posts, advertising campaigns, and press releases.

A fresh set of eyes can make a huge difference between sloppy copy and professional, compelling content, but smaller firms do not always have a proofreader on staff. Where do you find a reliable proofreader on call?

Enter Revision Fairy.

I correct small business documents in 24 hours.

What’s your marketing USP (unique selling proposition)? Why should I buy from you instead of the other losers?

Accessibility. You want your writing corrected; I want to correct your writing—so I made the process simple.

If your document is under 10,000 words, you can choose the level of service and turnaround time that you need and upload your document through the Revision Fairy Place Order page.

If your document is longer than 10,000 words, we'll chat via email first, but the process is just as efficient.

Unlike a proofreading factory that assigns your important documents to multiple proofreaders, I'm one proofreader—an individual who becomes familiar with your company's style, mission statement, and goals.

I'm not your employee, but I work for you.

What’s next for you? What’s the big plan?

Look out for more original Revision Fairy-written content. To start, check out my new free report, Business Proofreading Tips Other Proofreaders Don't Want You to Know: 8 Essays About Crafting Flawless Documents.

About the Author: Stefanie Flaxman corrects business, marketing, and educational documents in 24 hours to eliminate reputation-crushing mistakes from your writing. She's a professional proofreader and the founder of Revision Fairy® Small Business Proofreading Services. Connect with Stefanie on Twitter.

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